Introducing the God-BASED LIFE-Science of Atomic Biology as the Replacement for Darwin’s Theory of Evolution!!

Darwin’s Replacement is the 2nd book published by authors, Thomas W. Rogers and Dr. Graham McLennan, and they have now been joined by Dr. Jerry Bergman, one of the world’s most highly educated biologists. Also included are key evidence inputs from 43 other scholars. The focus of the book is on replacing Darwinisms with true science “going where the evidence leads.” In this case showing logical reasons why evolution is not the cause of life, but an essential super-intelligent force, (God), IS.
A Challenge To Darwinism – Why Evolution Is Not The Cause Of Life
Recent discoveries have revealed the essentiality for super-intelligence (far beyond that of mankind) to construct cell-parts, cells, and us, using atoms from our food and the air we breathe.
There is growing awareness of the phenomenal complexity of living cells and the proven impossibility of an unguided process constructing them.
Beyond our original 7 principles and 18 other essential works for life that evolution cannot perform, as shown in the book, a recent scientific development substantiated this position. This latest evidence was supplied through the 33 years of top level R&D by the three 2016 Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry. J-P Sauvage, Sir J. F. Stoddart, and B. L. Feringa were awarded this Prize for constructing a few simplistic molecular machines. However, their best units are almost infinitely more simplistic than any of the molecular machines built for our new cells every day of the week.
What this proves is that even with our best intelligence, sophisticated equipment, and relatively long periods of time, mankind has nowhere near enough intelligence to build even the simplest of the molecular machines needed for our cells.
Therefore, evolution, by definition having no intelligence, is falsified as the cause of life.
The Godly life-science for studying the super-intelligent physical works with atoms to build living cell-parts, cells, and us, has been named “Atomic Biology”. Ongoing research for education and applications are being conducted by the newly formed “Atomic Biology Institute.”
Science has worked from the top down through General Biology, Cellular Biology, and Molecular Biology, however, it seems that until now, going to the atomic level to thoroughly research the essential finding, sorting, selecting, counting, latching onto, precisely assembling, fastening, and hooking up the right numbers of the correct atoms to build all cell parts, has probably been purposefully avoided. A likely reason for this is that the evolutionists currently in charge of what is taught as the cause of life, do not want to go there because the necessity for planning, prioritizing, and physically performing all those super-intelligent works with atoms cannot be performed without intelligence. Evolution, by definition, has no intelligence to use.

When asked about this aspect of building cell-parts and cells, the evolutionists’ answer has been, “There are ‘natural mechanisms’ that do this.” This, however, opens up even larger problems for Darwinisms because evolution would have to build these “mechanisms” with far more intelligence and much better equipment than the three 2016 Nobel Prize Winners had.
Then, of course, is the essential addition of the “Breath-of-Life” to the otherwise inanimate atoms as no cell lives without it. When this is removed, the cell no longer lives.
In summary, Super-intelligence (far beyond that of mankind) is proven essential for building living cell-parts, cells, and entities, and evolution is thereby falsified as the origin or cause of life.
The only super-intelligent force known to mankind, is God who is recognized by the majority of our citizens and the Governments of our nations (USA, UK, Australia, and Canada).
Now, “Bringing the God of Our Nations Back to Our Students with a New Basic Science” is a worthy challenge that will take the support and encouragement of many believers.
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